學校生活 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . She was sick so the didn't attend her classes.她生病了,所以沒上學。
2 . The school was attended almost entirely by local children.上這所學校唸書的幾乎全是當地的孩子。
3 . She majored in math and physics at university.她在大學裡主修數學和物理。
4 . She took a medical course.她選讀醫學課程。
5 . They graduated from high school last year.他們去年高中畢業。
6 . I major in English and minor in French.我主修英語,副修法語。
7 . The bad news hit everyone hard.惡耗使每個人都受到了沉重打擊。
8 . What did you learn at school today?你今天在學校學了什麼?
9 . I am in the 7th grade.我是七年級。
10 . 78 percent of black high-school graduates are unemployed.百分之四十八的黑人高中畢業生失業。