求職面試時的“甜言蜜語” - 額外成就感(三)
1 . She tends to talk too much.她有饒舌的傾向。
2 . He has no capacity to be a doctor.他沒有當醫生的能力。
3 . He was very hard driven.他被迫拚命幹活。
4 . You should perform what you promised to do.你應該履行諾言。
5 . My mother-in-law is driving me nuts.我岳母使我快要發瘋了。
6 . I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses in myself.我重新奪得自己的長處和弱點。
7 . He always performs his tasks perfectly.他總是圓滿地完成工作。
8 . He had a great capacity for learning.他的學習能力很強。
9 . Language is her strength, math is her weakness.語言是她的強項,數學則是她的弱門。