抱怨與恭維英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語抱怨與恭維對白,抱怨與恭維英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . Look, simply shape up, or ship out!看,只有表現好些才可留下來。

2 . I think you are capable of much better than this.我認為你能做得比這更好。

3 . You have excelled youself this time, well done!這一次你超水平發揮了,幹得不錯!

4 . Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor.不好意思,我只是想讚美一下你那了不起的裝飾佈置。

5 . What do you call this? A tow year old child could have done a better job!你是怎麼回事?就連兩歲的孩子都可以比這做得更好!

6 . I never expected you would do such a fantastic job.我從沒想過你會做得這麼出色!

7 . The reviews were all right; it was the best performance I have ever seen.那些評論寫得很對,是我所見過表現最好的一次表演。

8 . I'm sorry but the food was late and it was cold when it got here. I don't think I want to pay.真抱歉飯菜上晚了,而且它上桌時已經變冷了,所以我不想為此付賬。

9 . Great job!幹得好,幹得妙!

10 . Could you take a monent to freshen up first? you don't want to go into the meeting smelling like that!你可不可以先去清醒一會兒?你也不希望帶著這樣的一身氣味去開會吧!

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瘋狂英語 900 句