瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Tech stocks are hot property.科技股如今是搶手貨。
2 . Technology could revolutionize our way of life.科學技術會給我們的生活方式帶來革命。
3 . They can build a space craft and send it to the edges of our very solar system.他們能製出航空飛船並將其發送到太陽系的邊緣。
4 . Hi-tech companies needs many interns to work for them during the summer.高科技公司在夏天需要許多見習生為其工作。
5 . Robots can be used for many tasks which are considered too dangerous for people to do.機器人能完成許多對人類來說是很危險的任務。
6 . Technology may bring breakthroughs to many currently incurable diseases.科技能給現在無法治癒的疾病帶來突破。
7 . Technology has totally changed our life over the past two decades.在過去的二十年裡,科學技術已經完全改變了我們的生活。
8 . The hi-tech industry attracts much venture capital.高科技產業吸引著許多風險投資。
9 . Bill Gates has created a legend in the hi-tech sector.比爾.蓋茨在高技術領域創造了一個神話。
10 . Hi-tech companies are making big bucks nowadays.現在高科技公司是最賺錢的。