瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . Just because the other kids have motor scooters is no reason for you to stop riding your bike to school.只是因為其他的孩子都有電單車上學,不足以成為你不騎車上學的理由。
2 . At least you've got a roof over your head.至少你現在有電瓦遮頭。
3 . A house, a car and a family, what else could one want?一所房子,一輛車子和和個家,除此之外,夫復何求?
4 . If my wife takes a second job and leaves the kids in day care, we should be able to get the loan for a two storey place.如果我的妻子做兩份工,把孩子送去全托,我們就可以貸款買一棟兩層的房子了。
5 . Financial security, that's what it's all about.家庭財政狀況無憂,這就夠了。
6 . Why do we need a swimming pool? Everyone in the family hates swimming!我們需要游泳池做什麼呢?家裡人都討厭游泳。
7 . The Jones next door just bought a yacht, we might have to see about financing one ourselves.隔壁的瓊斯一家剛買了遊艇,我們也該弄一條。
8 . Study hard kids, your mother and I want you to get into a good college when the time comes.努力學習,孩子們,你們的媽媽和我希望你們能考上名校。
9 . Look, the Kramers are showing off in their new convertible.看,克來姆一家在炫耀他們的新敞蓬車。
10 . If I move jobs I can increase my salary, my time with the family will be reduced, however.如果我換工作的話,薪水會漲,但是我陪家人的時間會減少。