1 . We're interested in importing a complete bottling machine for exhibit and sale.我們有興趣進口一整部裝瓶機,以備展示和銷售。
2 . Here it is, with it.在這兒,附有保證書。
3 . Very splendid. How about patent rights?很不錯。它的專利權怎麼樣呢?
4 . Do you have any assurance for its quality?你們有任何品質保證嗎?
5 . We have 5 international patents which we are ready to sell.我們有五項國際專利可以出售。
6 . Well, this unit here on display is a full scale assembly of our latest machine.哦,這裡所展示的這一部是本公司最新機器的全套設備。
7 . Thanks. I'll contact you.謝謝,我會再跟你聯絡的。
8 . What guarantee do I have that it won't break down easily?有什麼保障它不會輕易出故障?
9 . I can consider it. Do you have any literature I can take with me?我會考慮的。你們有什麼說明書可以讓我帶走嗎?
10 . If satisfactory we may consider further orders.如果滿意的話,我們可以考慮進一步的訂單。
11 . Yes, here are some catalogs and brochures.有的,這裡是一些目錄和小冊子。
12 . I represent the Hassan Trading Company.我是哈森貿易公司的代表。
13 . How do you think about it?你認為怎麼樣?
14 . Will I have to wait for a long time?我得等很久嗎?
15 . How about the price list? Does it have a guarantee to go with it?價格表呢?有沒有附保證書呢?