男女之間 - 永恒的主題(一)
1 . I've been dying to see you.我一直好想見你。
2 . Are you married or single?你結婚了還是單身?
3 . How did you get to know her?你是怎麼認識她的?
4 . My girl friend and I broke up.我和我女朋友分手了。
5 . She is well-built.她的身材很好。
6 . Do you have anyone in mind?你有意中人了嗎?
7 . Miss Rose is kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality.露絲小姐有點矮,但她個性迷人。
8 . How long have you known her?你認識她多久了?
9 . She is not my kind of girl.她不是我喜歡的那種。
10 . He was our go-between.他是我們的媒人。