This Happy Feeling(快樂)(一)
1 . Well done! Bond, you've done it!好極了!邦德,幹得好!
2 . We finally made it.我們終於做到了!
3 . Internet is number one!國際互聯網真是頂呱呱!
4 . Steady wins the race.從容就是贏得比賽的訣竅。
5 . Tell me, is it a boy?喂,你是男孩嗎?
6 . Chase the nice bone, doggie.狗兄,去追那可口的骨頭啊。
7 . Yay, a hole in one!嘿!一桿進洞!
8 . Hey, guy, we're rich.嘿,夥計,我們發財了!
9 . Come on, honey.過來,親愛的。
10 . Oh well, better luck next time.算了,下次的運氣會更好。