1 . John could not decide when to leave.約翰無法決定幾時要出發。
2 . Which umpire will referee the baseball game?不知道哪一個裁判要執法這場棒球賽?
3 . I presume that this is your final answer.我認為這就是你最後的答覆。
4 . Judge Hoffman sentenced the seven men to prison.赫夫曼法官對那七個人宣判入獄。
5 . She couldn't discern the very slight differences between the two.她無法分辨雙方為少的差異。
6 . Paul will not continue to arbitrate their arguments.保羅不會繼續替他們的吵架做和事佬吧。
7 . He can only speculate as to which horse will win the race.他只能推測那一匹在賽馬中會獲勝。
8 . The lawyer must announce that you are the true inheritor of the family fortune.律師必須公佈你就是真正的遺產繼承人。
9 . Can you tell one from the other?你能區別哪個是哪個嗎?