生活和商務 - 額外成就感(二)英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語生活和商務 - 額外成就感(二)對白,生活和商務 - 額外成就感(二)英文怎麽說



生活和商務 - 額外成就感(二)用英語怎麽說


生活和商務 - 額外成就感(二)

1 . He treated his employees with exceptional cruelty.他對僱員非常殘酷。

2 . You would be well-advised to stay at home tonight.你今晚還是呆在家裡為妙。

3 . Consider the cost before you decide.你決定前要先考慮費用問題。

4 . I hear they intend to marry.我聽說他們打算結婚。

5 . I intend to major in economics in college.我想在大學裡主修經濟學。

6 . Can you work out what these squiggles mean?你能辯認出這些潦草的字跡是什麼意思嗎?

7 . You would be well-advised to book in advance.你還是提前預訂較為穩妥。

8 . We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer.我們擬把旅行推遲到天氣暖和的一些時候。

9 . How long do you intend to stay there?你打算在那停留多久?

10 . You should consider his proposal.你該仔細考慮他的建議。

11 . We never intended that she get involved.我們從沒打算把她牽扯進去。

12 . The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.過去兩年中這家公司獲得了很大的發展。

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