瀟灑英語演講 - 額外成就感(一)
1 . The fog disrupted airline schedules.這場大霧擾亂了航空公司的時刻表。
2 . I have a staff of ten.我手下有十個職員。
3 . Don't make rude remarks about their appearances.不要口無遮攔,批評他們的外表。
4 . His opening remarks were serious.他的開場白說得很嚴肅。
5 . We need more staff in the office.我們辦公室需要增加人手。
6 . Do you have any comments to make on the recent developments.你對最近事態的發展有什麼評論嗎?
7 . She is skilled at using computer.她能熟練使用計算機。
8 . Everything is going according to schedule.一切在按照預定計劃進行。
9 . The staff in this shop is very helpful.這家商店的店員很熱心。
10 . We need skilled electricians.我們需要有技術的電工。
11 . The scandal caused a lot of comment.這件醜聞遭到很多議論。