I'm So Mad at(生氣)(二)
1 . I'll have some on you all right.好吧,我要掛你的帳喝它個痛快。
2 . Here, have some coffee on me.來,我請你喝咖啡。
3 . Look what you did, squirt!小子,你仔細看看你做的好事!
4 . Cad! Cur! Beast!無賴!流氓!雜種!
5 . Snort! I didn't do anything wrong!哼哼,我沒做錯什麼事啊。
6 . I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean it.對不起,老兄,我並沒有惡意。
7 . So I made a mistake, big deal!我真是錯得離譜了。
8 . Auck, don't hit me! I'm an innocent bystander.啊呦,別整我,我只是個旁觀者。
9 . Our leader is more devious than your leader.我們頭兒比你們的要棋高一籌。
10 . B.S. our leader invented the word?「胡說八道」這個詞是咱們領導創造的吧?
11 . Cool it man,I'm sorry.對不起,請您息怒。
12 . Gee, don't be mad, dear, red looks good on you.喏,親愛的,別生氣呀。紅顏色對於你再合適不過了。
13 . Fool, you added this bill up wrong!笨蛋,你把賬單加多了!