Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT I對白,Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT I英文怎麽說



Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT I用英語怎麽說


Smell the Flowers(偷得浮生半日閑) ACT I

1 . I did that. Go on.我已經打了。 繼續說。

2 . Did you look at them?你看過了嗎?

3 . What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine?我與Bill Levine 約好的中飯時間是幾點?

4 . I think the kids'll love it.我覺得孩子們會喜歡。

5 . Well, he's here with his daughter to have lunch.嗯, 他和他女兒已到這裡等吃午餐了。

6 . Today is the twelfth. Why?今天是十二號。怎麼?

7 . When was your last day off?上次休假是在什麼時候?

8 . Would you show me the drawings, please?請把草圖給我看看好嗎?

9 . Hmm. It's probably nothing.嗯, 也許沒什麼事。

10 . I'm sure I did.我確信我安排了什麼事。

11 . Any suggestions?有什麼建議嗎?

12 . I met her at Thanksgiving,我在感恩節與她見面

13 . What's the schedule today?今天的工作是怎麼安排的?

14 . It seems to me I scheduled something else.好像我還安排了什麼別的事情。

15 . Where are they?草圖在哪兒?

16 . These are the models from the Japanese film maker.這些是那位日本電影製片家那裡的模型。

17 . Make sure everybody is at that meeting.要確定每一位都出席這次會議。

18 . They're in my office.在我辦公室。

19 . Would you call Priscilla Smith at FAO Schwarz, please?請撥電話給FAO Schwarz的Priscilla Smith ,好嗎?

20 . you have a meeting with the production staff要與生產部門人員開會,

21 . Oh, yes. Are his models here?噢 ,對啦。 他的模型在這裡嗎?

22 . You have some guests in the reception room.有幾位客人在接待室等 。

23 . Eleven o'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship.十一點鐘, 批示玩具太空船的草圖。

24 . the client from the Toytown Stores.這個客戶來自Toytown Stores。

25 . And the new drawings for the toy spaceship.還有玩具太空船的新草圖。

26 . OK, let's get started.好吧 ,我們開始工作。

27 . You work too hard, Susan.太拚命工作了, Susan。

28 . I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago.幾星期前我約好和他以及他女兒共進午餐。

29 . Hmm. Anything else?嗯, 還有其他事嗎?

30 . I remember!我記起來了!

31 . To enjoy the simple things in life ...享受人生樂趣……

32 . At six you're meeting, Mr. Ozawa.六點鐘 ,要會見Ozawa先生。

33 . Thank you. Just put them on my desk.謝謝。 把它們放在我桌上。

34 . You really ought to take some time off.的確應該休一休假。

35 . He's a friend.他是位朋友。

36 . telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls.打電話給FAO Schwarz談關於雙胞娃娃玩具的事。

37 . What do you think of the spaceship?你覺得那個太空船怎麼樣?

38 . Now, what else is on the schedule today?那麼, 今天的工作表上還有些什麼?

39 . We have a new artist.我們找來了一位新的美工人員。

40 . Hmm. I can't remember.嗯, 我記不起來了。

41 . What did I forget?我忘記什麼?

42 . with Mr. Levine?與Levine先生的邀約?

43 . To smell the flowers.去輕鬆一下。

44 . Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency.打電話給廣告代理Zaskey夫人。

45 . She's very talented.她很有才華。

46 . Oh, well, I'll probably remember it later.噢, 也許過一會我會記起來。

47 . and I promised to have lunch with both of them today.我答應今天和他們共進午餐。

48 . Is he a client?他是顧客嗎?

49 . Yes, I did.是的, 我看過了。

50 . Maybe soon.也許很快就會。

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