Life In Town(城市生活)英語對話,天天一起練口語,英語Life In Town(城市生活)對白,Life In Town(城市生活)英文怎麽說



Life In Town(城市生活)用英語怎麽說


Life In Town(城市生活)

1 . To wait impatiently for the late bus焦急地等著遲遲不來的公車

2 . To watch the accident觀察意外事故的現場

3 . To be afraid of getting a ticket害怕得到交通罰款單

4 . To advertise cheap food推銷廉價食物

5 . I don't think he'll remember a thing tomorrow morning.我認為,到明天清晨,他會忘得一乾二淨。

6 . To rush to the scene of the accident趕往意外事故的現場

7 . To window-shop逛商品陳列櫥

8 . To wait patiently for the protesters to move耐心地等待示威隊伍離去

9 . To watch the lovers注視著情侶們

10 . To hurry home to his wife趕回家去見嬌妻

11 . To walk on a beautiful day在晴朗的日子出去散步

12 . To be angry at stupid drivers為笨手笨腳的司機們生氣

13 . To blissfully kiss滿懷幸福地接吻

14 . To read only the good news只看好消息

15 . To ruin a brand-new car毀壞了新車

16 . To go to his favorite bar after work下班後到經常光顧的酒吧去

17 . To push the wrong button按錯了按鈕

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