1 . If you tease him, he becomes hot with anger.如果你戲弄他,他會生氣的。
2 . I am infuriated by Kirk's thoughtlessness.我為科克的缺乏考慮而憤慨。
3 . He will be indignant about the injustice.他可能會因不公平的判決而生氣。
4 . Don't be offended by his haste, he is a very busy man.別為他的輕率介意,他是個大忙人。
5 . Henry cannot stomach the violence in that movie.亨利無法忍受那部電影的暴力鏡頭。
6 . Do you think Albert will resent you for your actions?你認為阿爾伯特會對你的行為感到生氣嗎?
7 . When Alex began to argue, Richard burst into a rage.當阿列克斯開始爭論時,理查德便大發雷霆。
8 . Randy was furious about the nasty letter.蘭迪為這封下流的信而勃然大怒。
9 . She cannot be provoked by their stupid behavior.她不會被他們愚蠢的舉止激怒。