基礎口語 1700 句
第 24 部分
1 . He is playing on the merry-go-round in the park.他正在公園裡騎旋木馬。
2 . He is playing on the swings outside.他正在外面蕩鞦韆。
3 . He irons sweaters every day.他每天都燙衣服。
4 . He has pamphlet.他有一本小冊子。
5 . He has a writig brush.他有一支毛筆。
6 . He is playing on the slide over there.他正在那邊溜滑梯。
7 . He has a telephone set.他有一部電話。
8 . He learns English every day.他每天都學英語。
9 . He is playing on the see-saw in the yard.他正在院子裡玩蹺蹺板。
10 . He helps my father every day.他每天都幫助我的父親做事。