Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT II
1 . ASPCA Animal Shelter.ASPCA動物收容所。
2 . She's hard to resist.真是人見人愛。
3 . We once found a cat.我們有一次找到一隻貓,
4 . But if they don't, I'll adopt her.如果找不到,我就收養 。
5 . They'll find the owner.他們會找到主人的。
6 . But I'll be going home to Greece,但是我就要回希臘去了,
7 . No ID number.沒有識別號碼。
8 . With a little help from the ASPCA,可以請ASPCA幫忙,
9 . Don't you just love her?你能說你不喜歡她嗎?
10 . so they can find her owners quickly.好讓他們很快找到她的主人。
11 . the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.美國禁止虐待動物協會。
12 . How late are you open?你們那裡開到多晚?
13 . Where did you find the dog?你在什麼地方找到這隻狗的呢?
14 . Yes, but the number's no longer in service.打過,但那個號碼是空號。
15 . If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours,如果狗的主人在四十八小時內不認領,
16 . then you can apply for adoption.你就可以申請收養了。
17 . I'm sure they'll find the owner.我相信他們會找到狗的主人。
18 . And if you don't?要是你找不到呢?
19 . We're off to the animal shelter.我們這就去動物收容所。
20 . Oh, we'll try, believe me.哦,我們會想辦法,相信我。
21 . We'll find the owner.我們會找到狗的主人的。
22 . She's so cute.它真逗人喜歡。
23 . Come on, poochie.來吧,小傢伙。
24 . This dog is well trained.這隻狗受過很好的訓練。
25 . She likes you, too.它也喜歡你。
26 . I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you.我這兒有一隻失散的狗,我想送來給你們。
27 . Your name will do, Mr. Stewart.你的名字就夠了,Stewart先生。
28 . I'll bring the dog over by nine.我在九點之前把狗送來。
29 . She just wants love and affection.她需要愛和關懷。
30 . You will try to find the dog's owner.你們會盡力去找尋狗的主人吧。
31 . I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family.看到這隻狗沒有家 我真難過。
32 . Robbie, let's call them. RobbieRobbie,我們給他們打電話,Robbie。
33 . at the end of the semester.就在這個學期結束的時候。
34 . We have two and a half hours.還有兩個半小時。
35 . They're the ones.找他們沒錯。
36 . And there's no address on the dog tag.牌子上沒有地址。
37 . You really want to?你真想要這樣做?
38 . You tried calling the number on the collar?你照狗脖子上項圈的電話號碼打過電話了嗎?
39 . They're open until nine o'clock.他們開到九點。
40 . It's not easy being away from home.離家獨闖不容易。
41 . Look at those eyes.你看它的眼睛。
42 . She was caught in the branches of our tree.被我們家樹上的樹枝夾住了。
43 . If you don't ... can I ... can I adopt the dog?要是你們找不到狗的主人,我可否…… 我可否收養這隻狗?
44 . How do I do that?我該辦什麼手續呢?
45 . Let's get her to the animal shelter,我們把她送到動物收容所。
46 . I'd like to adopt her.我願意收養。
47 . Yes, I'm serious.是的,我是真心的。
48 . They're still open?他們現在還開著嗎?
49 . We're open till nine P.M..我們開到晚上九點。
50 . We'll get you home.我們會送你回家的。