1 . Breathing this air is killing me.呼吸這樣的空氣真是致命。
2 . Earth day should be every day.每一天都應該是地球日。
3 . Hawaiians enjoy a great climate all year round.夏威夷人整年都能享受宜人的氣候。
4 . The smog in L.A. is caused by air pollution and water vapor.洛杉磯的煙霧是由空氣污染和水蒸氣造成的。
5 . The pollution in Beijing is alarming.北京的污染給人們敲起了警鐘。
6 . Living conditions in the desert around Las Vegas are very harsh.在拉斯韋加斯的周圍的居住條件非常艱苦。
7 . Littering is a serious offense in some countries.亂扔垃圾在某些國家是嚴重的違法。
8 . I go camping in the mountains to enjoy the fresh air.我去山中宿營以享受新鮮的空氣。
9 . Garbage and chemical waste are destroying our water.垃圾和化學廢物正在破壞我們的水資源。
10 . Think globally, act locally.放眼全球, 從自身做起。