Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT III對白,Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT III英文怎麽說



Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT III用英語怎麽說


Men's Best Friend(人類最好的朋友) ACT III

1 . I'll be back with them.我會帶他們來。

2 . Then an adult must sign for you.那就必須有一位成年人來替你簽字。

3 . And a cheeseburger, medium rare,一份起士漢堡,五分熟

4 . I mean about her being alone.我是指她很孤單。

5 . We also like to know我們還想知道,

6 . This is Linda Aborn from the animal shelter.我是動物收容所的Linda Aborn。

7 . Just to have as a pet.只是要養來當寵物。

8 . about your family background.關於你的家庭背景的。

9 . I will have a cheeseburger, medium rare,我要一份起士漢堡,五分熟,

10 . Her eyes look so sad.她的目光那麼憂鬱。

11 . But please call first.不過,請你先打電話。

12 . Have you ever owned an animal?你曾養過動物嗎?

13 . Salad dressing?沙拉要什麼調味醬?

14 . Just to hold it and cuddle with it.只不過想抱抱摟摟。

15 . alone in the animal shelter.獨自在動物收容所 。

16 . with onion and french fries.附加洋蔥和炸薯條。

17 . I've got it.我都記下了。

18 . The owners claimed Gemma?主人把狗領回去了嗎?

19 . your reasons for wanting an animal.你要養動物的原因。

20 . We have good news and bad news, Robbie.我給你帶來了好消息和壞消息 Robbie。

21 . We need to know about your history with animals.我們要瞭解你以前與動物的關連。

22 . The good news is that the Levinsons have come by好消息是Levinson夫婦已來這兒

23 . No, I'm not.不,我不覺得。

24 . the dog is just fine.那隻狗會很好的。

25 . Come by one day and look at some of the other dogs.有空來一趟,看看其他狗。

26 . that the animal shelter is so careful動物收容所需要如此小心

27 . first we need to know some references.首先我們得知道你們有哪些備詢人。

28 . She must really miss them.她準是很想主人。

29 . You know, man's best friend is his dog.你知道的,類最好的朋友就是狗。

30 . Maybe the real owners will come to claim her.也許狗的主人會來認領她的。

31 . Do you have any animals now?你現在還養著什麼動物嗎?

32 . Then you have to fill out this form然後你要填寫這份表格,

33 . She said if I come by,她說,如果我去一趟,

34 . with raw onion, and french fries, please.加生洋蔥和炸薯條。

35 . A diet cola, please.一份健怡可樂。

36 . To have a friend -- a pal.想要一個朋友 一個夥伴。

37 . We need to talk to some people about you.我們得向一些人打聽你。

38 . Ready, folks?可以點菜了嗎? 兩位,

39 . I'm glad for the dog.我真替那隻狗高興。

40 . I've got some great new dance music.我有幾卷很好的新舞曲。

41 . I want you to hear my new tapes.我給你聽我的新錄音帶。

42 . I see you're both animal lovers.我看得出你們都是喜愛動物的人。

43 . Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in.再見,謝謝你們把Gemma送來。

44 . Even if they are kind to Gemma,即使他們對Gemma很好

45 . If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma ...如果狗的主人沒認領Gemma……

46 . And the Levinsons thank you for bringing their dog to us.Levinson夫婦也謝謝你把他們的狗送來。

47 . We want to be sure that you're responsible我們要確定你是肯負責的,

48 . And one thing more.還有一件事。

49 . when the dog scratched on the front door.當那狗在抓前門時。

50 . Nice talking to both of you.很高興與兩位交談。

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