1 . We have around 3,000 workers.大約有3000名職工。
2 . OK. I'll show you around. Let's go outside.可以,我帶您轉一轉。走吧。
3 . Would you do me a favour look around your factory?能否幫忙帶我看一下你們工廠?
4 . What's the long buildings?那座長形的建築是什麼?
5 . That's the recreation center and restaurant.那是娛樂中心和餐館。
6 . Yes, most of them are, except for the plastic parts.對,除了塑料製品其他都是。
7 . I would be appriciated to take a look around your factory.如能看一下你們工廠我會很感激的。
8 . Of course. It's on the fifth floor of Building No.4. Let's go there.當然可以。展室在四號樓五層,我們上去吧。
9 . Are all these goods made in your factory?所有這些貨物都是貴廠生產的嗎?
10 . I would be honored to be shown around your factory.若能看一下你們工廠我將會深感榮幸。
11 . Your buildings are very large, aren't they?你們的廠房很大,對嗎?
12 . Would you please lead me to look around your factory?您能領我參觀一下工廠嗎?
13 . I see. By the way, how many people are working in your factory now?哦,我知道了。順便問一下,現在貴廠有多少在職職工?
14 . Yes, they are. We're still expanding.是的,我們還要擴建。
15 . Would you mind showing me your showroom?您可以帶我參觀一下展室嗎?