A Place of Our Own(自己的住房) ACT I
1 . Did you find one?找到合適的嗎?
2 . and there is room,這裡有地方,
3 . Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one,爺爺要借給我們錢去買房子,
4 . He didn't want to borrow any money.他不想借錢。
5 . You'll learn a lot.會增長不少見識。
6 . Right here in Riverdale.就在這裡,在Riverdale。
7 . Ellen, I'd like your opinion. Ellen我想聽聽你的意見。
8 . No. No train. Just the dress.不 ,不加裙擺。就是這樣連身套裝。
9 . It's funny. History repeats itself.真有意思。歷史在重演。
10 . We looked at a lot of houses.我們看了好多房子。
11 . looking for a small house or an apartment找一個小住宅或公寓
12 . Philip was a young doctor,Philip當時是個年輕的大夫
13 . Well, I'll tell Richard,嗯, 我會告訴Richard,
14 . I remember when I was pregnant with Richard.我記得當我懷著Richard時,
15 . We couldn't afford it.我們當時不夠錢。
16 . We can learn a lot by asking.我們到處問問會學到不少東西。
17 . and ... and when the baby comes,而且……而且嬰兒出生以後,
18 . What did you do?那你們怎麼辦呢?
19 . and we'll go to see her.我們會去找她。
20 . Now Richard and I are having a baby,現在 Richard和我有了孩子,
21 . and Philip was opening his first medical office.而Philip則第一次開診所。
22 . Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn?何不去看一看房子呢, Marilyn?
23 . we need to have our own place to live.我們應該有自己的房子。
24 . speak to a real-estate agent about a house.和房地產仲介商談一談關於房子的事。
25 . Do you think it's too long?你會不會覺得太長了?
26 . Sounds like Richard.聽起來跟Richard一樣。
27 . You won't believe this,簡直不會相信,
28 . That dress is gorgeous.這套服裝真華麗。
29 . we love having you here.我們喜歡你們住這裡 。
30 . at this point in our lives?在這個時候怎麼樣?
31 . Well, what do you think about Richard and me那麼你覺得我和Richard
32 . I'll talk to Richard about it.我會與Richard商量商量。
33 . There's no need to rush.沒有必要急急忙忙。
34 . He's independent,他的獨立性強,
35 . I think it's a good idea, Ellen.我覺得這是個好主意, Ellen。
36 . And if I can be of any help,如果我能有所幫忙的話,
37 . I'll talk to Richard about it我就跟Richard商量
38 . Are you planning to attach a train to it?準備加拖地裙擺嗎?
39 . They're all alike.他們都是一個樣子。
40 . afford a house right away, either.馬上負擔得起一棟房子。
41 . Where was the house?房子在什麼地方?
42 . Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen?覺得這裙子長度合適嗎,Ellen?
43 . Of course, it was a small house,當然, 那是一棟小房子,
44 . I was teaching music,我當時教音樂,
45 . but Philip is too independent.但是Philip的獨立性太強了。
46 . Oh, not at first.噢, 沒有馬上找到。
47 . We love having you here,我們喜歡你們住這裡,
48 . When did you buy a house?那你們在什麼時候買房子呢?
49 . Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming嗯, Richard和我覺得孩子快要出生了,
50 . But I am going to make a headpiece of lace.但我準備做一個蕾絲頭飾。