Unit 2 The sports metting英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 2 The sports metting對白,Unit 2 The sports metting英文怎麽說



Unit 2 The sports metting用英語怎麽說


Unit 2 The sports metting

1 . Girls' 100-metre race: first -- Wu Dong!女子100米賽跑:第一名--吳東!

2 . Who jumped highest?誰跳得最高?

3 . On the first lap, Class 3 were in front.在跑第一圈時,3班在前邊。

4 . Last week No.14 Middle School held a sports meeting on the playground.上星期第十四中學在操場舉行了一次運動會。

5 . At the end of the second lap.在第二圈結束時。

6 . Come on! shouted everyone. Run! Run!「快!快呀!」每一個人都在喊,「加油!加油!」

7 . Wu dropped his stick! He stopped to get it and of course fell behind.吳的接力棒掉地了!他停下撿棒,當然就落後了。

8 . Now Wu Peng from Class 1 was in front! Not far behind him was Lin Tao.現在1班的吳鵬在前邊!緊追其後的是林濤。

9 . Did Huifang jump farther than Ann?惠芳跳得比安遠嗎?

10 . Who won the girls' 400 metres?女子400米賽跑誰獲勝?

11 . Well done, everyone, and congratulations to the winners.你們個個表現出色,我謹向獲勝者表示祝賀。

12 . Here are the results. Girls' relay: The winners -- Class 4! (Hooray!)獲勝者--4班!(好!)

13 . Lin Tao ran past him. He was first past the finishing line.林濤超過了他。他第一個沖線。

14 . Of course, everyone began to shout very loudly.當然,每一個人都開始大聲地喊叫。

15 . Oh, listen to the loudspeaker. I think Mr. Hu is going to tell us the result right now.哦,請聽廣播。我想胡先生馬上就要宣佈比賽結果。

16 . Then the Class 2 runner dropped his stick on the ground when he was passing it on to the fourth runner.忽然2班的運動員在傳棒給第四個運動員時,把棒弄掉到了地上。

17 . So who won the race?誰在比賽中獲勝?

18 . Mr Hu stood at the starting line. All the runners got ready to run.胡先生站在起跑線上。所有的運動員都做好了起跑準備。

19 . Lin Tao did quite well, but Bill did better than Lin Tao.林濤跳得相當高,但是比爾比林濤跳得更高。

20 . Jim ran very fast, but Yu Yan from Class 1 ran faster. He began to catch up with Jim.吉姆跑得非常快,但是1班的余延跑得更快。他開始趕上吉姆。

21 . Meimei ran fast.梅梅跑得快。

22 . Li Lei ran much faster than the other boys.李磊跑得比其他男孩快得多。

23 . Second -- Lucy King.第二名--露西·金

24 . Ready? Go! Mr. Hu shouted, and the boys started to run.「預備--跑!」胡先生喊道,男孩子們開始跑。

25 . On the third lap, the Class 3 and Class 1 runners both ran very fast.在跑第三圈時,3班和1班的運動員都跑得非常快。

26 . Jiang Honglin was catching up fast, too, but not fast enough.江紅林也在奮力追趕,但他跑得不夠快。

27 . Boys' relay: The winners -- Class 3! (Hooray!) Well done!男子接力賽:獲勝者--3班!(好!)幹得好!

28 . A moment later, the Class 4 runner fell and hurt his leg, but he quickly got up and went on running.過了一會兒,4班的運動員摔倒了,傷了腿,但是他很快爬起來,繼續往前跑。

29 . Huifang jumped quite far, but Ann jumped farther.惠芳跳得相當遠,但是安跳得更遠。

30 . He began to catch up with the others.他開始趕上其他人。

31 . Lucy ran faster than Meimei.露茜比梅梅跑得更快。

32 . Class 3 and Class 1 were in front!他們兩人同時傳出接力棒。這時3班和1班在前邊!

33 . Hooray! shouted Class 3. Well done, everyone! Congratulations, Lin Tao!「贏啦!」3班的同學喊道,「你們太棒啦!祝賀你,林濤!」

34 . The last lap! Wu Peng from Class 1 and Lin Tao from Class 3 were still neck and neck.最後一圈!1班的吳鵬和3班的林濤仍然是並駕齊驅。

35 . They were still neck and neck! But the other runners were not far behind.他們仍在肩並肩地跑!但是,其他運動員也距離他們不遠。

36 . Liu Mei jumped farthest of all.劉梅在所有的人當中跳得最遠。

37 . Zhang Jun did best of all.張軍在三人中跳得最高。

38 . I'm not sure. It was difficult to see. Wei Hua and Sun Meiying were both neck and neck.我不敢肯定。很難說。魏華和孫美英不分上下。

39 . Who jumped farthest of all?誰在參賽者中跳得最遠?

40 . Who was first? Who was second? Who was third?誰是第一?誰是第二?誰是第三?

41 . Yu Yan and Jim were neck and neck. They both passed on their sticks at the same time.余延和吉姆跑得一樣快。

42 . Who was second? Who was third?誰是第二?誰是第三?

43 . Come on! shouted everyone, very loudly.「快!快呀!」每一個人都大聲地喊。

44 . At the end of the first lap, Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim.在第一圈結束時,李磊迅速地將棒傳給吉姆。

45 . But Wu Dong ran fastest of all.但吳東在三人中跑得最快。

46 . But Jiang Honglin from Class 2 was running very fast.但是2班的江紅林跑得非常快。

47 . Come on, Wu! shouted the Class 1 students. Oh! Bad luck!「快!快呀!吳鵬!」1班的學生喊道,「啊!真倒霉!」

48 . Come on! they shouted.「快!快啊!」他們喊道。

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