To Dress And To Undress(穿上,脫下)
1 . She is wearing an apron.她穿著圍裙。
2 . When he plays football, he wears a uniform.他踢足球的時候,也會穿著制服。
3 . I'm sorry. I was just playing football with my friends.對不起,我只是和朋友去踢了足球。
4 . Do I have to take my pants off, too?我也得脫下褲子嗎?
5 . Isn't it strange to press a football jersey?熨燙踢足球時候穿的衣服,你病了嗎?
6 . Yeah, so that I can repair it, OK?對啦,那樣我就能替你縫補了,知道不?
7 . La, la, I wash them, and then I dry them.啦啦,洗濯之後就把它們曬乾。
8 . How did you get so dirty?你為什麼弄得這麼髒?
9 . They ripped my clothes off.我的衣服給撕破了。
10 . I've put on my uniform. Let's go!我穿上制服了,走吧!