1 . My father is an engineer of a construction company, and mother is a doctor.我父親是一家建築公司的工程師,母親是一名醫生。
2 . Where is your hometown?你的籍貫是哪裡?
3 . We are four in all.我們家共有四口人。
4 . Are you a resident of Shanghai?你是上海市居民嗎?
5 . There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me.有四口人,父母親、妹妹和我。
6 . How big is your family?你家有幾口人?
7 . Where is your domicile?你的戶籍在哪裡?
8 . Would you tell me something about your family?請告訴我一些你的家庭情況,好嗎?
9 . Where are you from?你是哪裡人?
10 . Where is your family from?祖籍在哪裡?
11 . What is your nationality?你的國籍是什麼?
12 . Are you a citizen of the People's Republic of China?你是中華人民共和國的公民嗎?
13 . Where is your birthplace?你出生在哪裡?
14 . What does your father do?你父親從事什麼職業?
15 . Where is your native place?你的籍貫是什麼地方?
16 . Thank you, Mr. Johnson.謝謝你。約翰遜先生。
17 . My hometown is Jiangsu.我的家鄉是江蘇。
18 . How many are there in your family?你們家幾口人?
19 . What's your mother's occupation?你媽媽的職業是什麼?