Unit 9 Computers
1 . Yes. I don't think it's necessary to buy the bigger one.有哇。我認為沒必要買較大的機子。
2 . It would be a waste of money to buy the IBM PC586.買IBM586就浪費錢了。
3 . Yes, I've got the information for all the computers now.是的,現在我已弄到了所有有關電腦的情況。
4 . That would be a waste of money. What's your opinion?那就浪費錢了。你的意見呢?
5 . If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC386, we might have to change it in a few years' time for a bigger one.如果我們買一台較小的IBM386的話,過幾年可能就得換一台較大的機子。
6 . First of all, it's been improved. And it's bigger, although it's more expensive.首先,它已作了改進。而且機子較大,儘管價格貴些。
7 . This factory needs a computer as soon as possible.工廠需要盡快有一台電腦。
8 . I believe we should buy the smaller one.我認為我們應該買較小的機子。
9 . I still think we should buy the IBM PC586.我仍然認為我們應該買IBM586的。
10 . Yes. I'll ring them today.能。我今天就給他們打電話。
11 . We mustn't waste any more time.咱們不要再浪費時間了。
12 . We must decide which one to buy.我們必須決定要買那一台。
13 . The IBM PC386 will be big enough for us.而IBM386對我們來說就夠大的了。
14 . Mei Ge, did you find out the price for the IBM PC 386?梅格,你查到了IBM386微機的價格了嗎?
15 . Can you try to get them to bring down the price?你能讓他們降點價嗎?
16 . In my opinion, we should buy the IBM PC 586.我認為我們應該買IBM586微機。
17 . OK. We'll meet again tomorrow and make a decision then.好吧。我們明天見,那時再作決定。
18 . I hope we can make a decision today. I believe prices might go up next week.我希望今天就決定下來。我相信下周價格會上漲。
19 . Any reason?有什麼理由嗎?