拿手好戲 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . He is a brilliant tactical negotiator.他是一個策略高明的談判老手。
2 . Nothing can shake the basis for my belief.任何東西都動搖不了我信念的基礎。
3 . She was promoted on the basis of her accomplishment.她是依其成就得到晉陞的。
4 . He gave a straightforward answer.他給予了坦率的回答。
5 . This is a profitable transaction.這是一筆有利可圖的交易。
6 . To sum up, he agrees with us.總而言之,他贊成我們。
7 . I have a tactical idea.我有一個高明的計策。
8 . I have due cause to do so.我有充分的理由這麼做。
9 . We should take due care for this accident.我們應該對這件事給予應有的注意。
10 . To sum up, she is a nice girl.總之,她是個可愛的女孩。