1 . Well, I only like to do some jogging in the fresh morning air.是的,我僅喜歡在早晨清新的空氣裡慢跑。
2 . I can believe that. One good thing about ping pong is that it doesn't need much space.我幾乎不敢相信。乒乓球最大的好處是不佔地方。
3 . Not very good, I'm afraid, but I do play it a lot. Do you play, by any chance?不怎麼擅長,但我確實經常打。你有機會打球嗎?
4 . Yes, but I'm only an amateur.是的,我僅僅是業餘愛好。
5 . What would you say is the most popular sport in your country, Mr. Lu?陸先生,你們國家什麼運動最流行?
6 . You mean you never do anything yourself?你意思是你自己不做任何事?
7 . Then why don't we fix a date for a game one of these days?那麼我們為什麼不在這幾天中訂個日子來打一場比賽呢?
8 . Ah, you are an early bird then!你原來是早起的人。
9 . Are you good at it?你很擅長嗎?
10 . Table tennis, I suppose. That's almost our national game. People from all walks play it.我想應該是乒乓球吧。它幾乎是全國性運動,各行各業的人都打。
11 . Mary, what's your favorite sport?瑪麗,你最喜歡什麼運動?
12 . Sorry, I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games. I'm strictly spectator.對不起,我僅僅喜歡觀看幾乎所有的球類比賽,我是個十足的觀眾。
13 . Yes, quite good. How about a game sometime?是的,非常好,什麼時候來場比賽怎樣?
14 . You can play it practically anywhere. How good are you at it, Mr. Lu?你可在任何地方練習球。陸先生,你擅長乒乓球嗎?
15 . It's hard to say. I like volleyball a lot, but I guess I like tennis better.很難說,我喜歡排球,但我想我比較喜歡網球。