Are You Alone Tonight(邀請時的措辭)
1 . Three hundred thousand dollars! I think you should sign with our team.三十萬美元啊!我想你會和我們球隊簽約的。
2 . Would you light my cigarette?你能替我點燃香煙嗎?
3 . I have two tickets for a great movie. Why don't you come with me?我有兩張大片的電影票,你要同我一起去看嗎?
4 . We have a lot of invitation cards, but they are all for the same date.我們接到了許多請帖,但是上面的日期卻全都是同一天。
5 . Won't you come alone with me? My boss wants to see you.能跟我一起來嗎?我們老闆有事要見你。
6 . You're a very beautiful woman. You should try this one. I'm sure you'll be more beautiful than ever.你是位美人兒。且試一試這個,肯定會讓你變得更美麗的。
7 . Will you sign with our contract at this price?你能以這個價錢在合約上簽字嗎?