The Right Magic(釣魚秘決) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語The Right Magic(釣魚秘決) ACT II對白,The Right Magic(釣魚秘決) ACT II英文怎麽說



The Right Magic(釣魚秘決) ACT II用英語怎麽說


The Right Magic(釣魚秘決) ACT II

1 . Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots.嗯, 再釣一隻我就有一雙靴子了。

2 . What's your name?你叫什麼名字?

3 . To catch fish, you need the right magic.要釣得到魚 你得用對魔法。

4 . All right, but be careful.好吧 ,但你得小心。

5 . I'll watch him, Dad.我會注意他的, 爸爸。

6 . Burned, you mean.你的意思是 ,燒焦的。

7 . OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. Robbie也許你得看著他點。

8 . The right magic.正確的魔法。

9 . I hope you like your fish well done.我希望你們喜歡吃熟透了的魚。

10 . He's not breathing, Philip!他停止呼吸了 ,Philip。

11 . Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef.嘿 我是個醫生 又不是廚師。

12 . Now, come on, son. Come on, son.醒醒, 孩子。醒醒, 孩子。

13 . Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish.現在最重要的是讓魚鉤靠近魚。

14 . Do it for Robbie, Dad.爸爸 ,給Robbie示範示範。

15 . He's up there at the lodge.他在那邊小屋 。

16 . Dad! Grandpa! He fell in!爸爸, 爺爺, 他掉下去了。

17 . Then drop it into the water.然後把它扔到水 。

18 . First, we have to catch some fish.首先 ,我們得釣幾條魚。

19 . You bet I have!我鐵定已經釣到了!

20 . I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks.我可以到那邊小屋去弄些熱狗和飲料來。

21 . Help! Help! I can't swim!救命! 救命! 我不會游泳

22 . Does he know you're here?他知道你在這 嗎?

23 . Let's build a fire and cook it!咱們去升火煮魚。

24 . How do you know so much about fishing?你對釣魚怎麼知道這麼多?

25 . Bring a blanket and my medical bag.拿一條毯子和我的醫療箱來。

26 . Here we go.現在可以開始了。

27 . I forgot!我忘記這招!

28 . Fish, fish, send me a fish.... I got one!魚 魚 給我一條魚 ……我釣到了!

29 . Sure. Come on.當然記得。你來吧。

30 . Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this.首先 ,你得把你的帽子轉一下 ,像這樣。

31 . Fish, fish, send me a fish.魚 魚 給我一條魚。

32 . The water's pretty deep here.這裡水相當深。

33 . Are you all alone?就你一個人嗎?

34 . Dad, you got one, too!爸爸, 你也釣到一條!

35 . I just saw a big one!我剛看見一條大的。

36 . Grandpa taught me.爺爺教我的。

37 . Where's your father?你爸爸在哪?

38 . We spent a lot of time fishing together.我們以前常常一起釣魚。

39 . We're here to catch our lunch.我們要在這裡釣我們的午餐。

40 . You remember?你還記得嗎?

41 . In order to catch fish, you have to do this.要釣魚你就得這樣。

42 . It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet.差不多到午餐時間了, 還沒釣到魚。

43 . Easy, Philip, easy.慢慢來, Philip ,慢慢來。

44 . I want to stay here and fish.我想待在這裡 釣魚。

45 . You didn't say the magic words.你沒有念魔語。

46 . Grandpa, get the net, please!爺爺 ,請把網子拿來!

47 . All of this comes before eating. OK?這些都是在吃之前先得做的事 ,知道嗎?

48 . Well, it always worked for me, too.嗯, 這辦法對我也累試不爽。

49 . When do we eat?我們什麼時候吃?

50 . I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.爸爸, 我想我看見一些魚就在我們下方的水 。

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